U.S News BrandFuse x University of Arizona

Concept to design for a custom article by U.S. News’ Custom Content BrandFuse team for University of Arizona. Web article design concept and creation by Amber, website completion by BrandFuse’ web designer. Click image to view full image of active website.

U.S. News BrandFuse x College Ave Student Loans

Created Static Illustrations for U.S. News BrandFuse’s Custom Content Article for College Ave Student Loans. Click image for illustrations. Active article can be found here.

University of Dayton CTA

CTA created for U.S. News’ BrandFuse custom content article for University of Dayton. Click the image to view the full article.

Discover Personal Loans CTA

CTA created for U.S. News’ BrandFuse Syndicated Content article for Discover Personal Loans. Click the image to view the full article.

Moss & ssoM Collections

Amber is the sole designer for Moss&ssoM. She has contributed both original designs as well as carried out CEO’s visions for the fashion brand, established in 2019. She is also responsible for logo and branding. Click the image to view Amber’s designs for Moss&ssoM.